A Lot of Stuff Coming Soon :)

Dear Visitor, not much seems to have been happening on this website over the last couple of weeks. However, I have been busy. Honest!

My main focus has been on finishing the bubble counter write-up. The bubble counter device does exist – here’s a photo of the PCB inside it complete with ESP32 processor, WiFi, audio alarms and a color-graphics HiRes display.

I got stuck on a few things including putting together CAD drawings for a suitable 3D printed enclosure, finishing off the software and putting together a thermowell design to measure temperature in a fermenter.

The thermowell proved particularly challenging as it involved drilling multiple holes in rubber stoppers. If you ever tried this, you’ll know that it’s not an easy undertaking. However, I think I’ve put together a good technique for doing this. Then, of course, I decided it would be best to show how to do this stuff with an on-site video. So I had to spend a few days learning how to produce and edit videos. That’s almost done and you’ll see this article on drilling holes in stoppers and an article on putting together a thermowell for a fermentor around this weekend (once the microphone from Amazot has been delivered).

While I was at it, I decided to also put together an article for showing how to use a two-holed stopper to rack, keg and bottle beers from a carboy with positive CO2 pressure.

For reasons I can’t really explain, I also put together an article on how to mull beer to help with these upcoming long winter evenings. I think I must have got thirsty.

So, that will be 4 new articles on this website around this weekend. These don’t yet include the bubble counter project – but it’s coming. Honest! 

2 thoughts on “A Lot of Stuff Coming Soon :)”

  1. Discovered your site while reading the article that you wrote in Dec Zymurgy. Interesting article by the way. What I came to the site for was to find out how th build the bubble counter, but see that it is in progress at this time, I did see the vid on drilling out rubber stoppers, most excellent!
    Very much enjoyed the site and your humerous approach, looking forward to making the bubble counter!
    Thanks and stay well,and of course Skol!.
    Jim Paulson

  2. Thank you for the very kind words – they mean a lot!

    Regarding the bubble counter, I have everything just about ready except for the design of the 3D printed enclosure is CAD software. This may take a little while longer. I think I may break this project up into sections so people can at least get started.

    Have fun with your stoppers 🙂

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